

Webinar – Sweden’s role and position in hydrogen infrastructure in the Nordics

April 18, Mistra Electrification arranges a webinar that focuses on expected hydrogen demand on the Swedish west coast and the plans for establishing a fossil-free mineral fertiliser factory in Luleå.

Speakers are:

  • Sofia Rosén, PhD Student, Chalmers University of Technology.
  • Björn Santana Arvidsson, Deputy Managing Director, Nordion Energi H2.

Please find the presentations and a recording of the webinar below.

Sofia Rosén will present her ongoing study regarding expected hydrogen demand on the Swedish west coast. She will talk about:

  • What is the expected hydrogen demand from industries on the west coast?
  • How can Sweden meet the demand?
  • How can necessary infrastructure be constructed?
  • How much storage is needed and where should it be located?
  • What solutions will be cost effective and what are the alternatives?

Björn Santana Arvidsson will present the partnership between Nordion Energi, Fertiberia and Lantmännen aimed at establishing Sweden’s first fossil-free mineral fertiliser production through the project Power 2 Earth, where production is scheduled to start by the end of 2028. He will talk about:

  • What is the expected hydrogen demand for the project?
  • How and where will the hydrogen be produced?
  • The project includes a 150-kilometre-long underground hydrogen pipeline, the first part of the 1.000-kilometre Nordic Hydrogen Route, connecting Sweden and Finland – what are the main challenges?
  • What are the main challenges for the project as a whole?
  • What is Sweden’s position regarding hydrogen infrastructure in neighbouring countries, for example Denmark?

Date and time: April 18, 09.00–10.00 AM.

Location: Teams webinar.

Recording: The webinar will be recorded to enable online publishing afterwards.

Registration: Registration is now closed. Link to the webinar will be sent to all participants April 17.
