
Smart control of heat pumps in future district heating systems and energy use in buildings

Rya kraftvärmeverk

The future energy system is expected to be flexible and smarter than today’s. In this webinar we discuss the potential for smart control of heat pumps in the district heating system and how our buildings can be made energy smarter. After an introduction from researchers from Mistra Electrification, Gothenburg Energi presents how they work with tomorrow’s intelligent district heating system. Kiona then presents how existing buildings can be made energy-smart through Kiona’s software for monitoring and control.


Ulf Björklund will present and discuss the future of smart control of heat pumps in district heating systems:

  • What will be the potential role of heat pumps in the energy transformation?
  • How much flexibility will be offered by heat pumps?
  • Under what conditions will heat pumps be competitive?

Joakim Nilén at Kiona will discuss how energy use in buildings can be reduced. He will present technology for control of heat and electricity use in buildings, and what actions are required to reduce energy use.

  • What is the potential to reduce energy use from residential and commercial buildings by means of smart control?
  • What type of documentation, monitoring and reporting on electricity and heat is required to take control of and reduce energy use?
  • What is required to get access and control over the technical installations to monitor and control energy use?

Date and time: May 30, 09.00–10.30 AM.

Location: Teams webinar.

Registration: The registration is now closed. A link to the webinar will be mailed to all registered 29 May.