WP1 – Scenarios, stakeholder involvement and synthesis
The aim of WP1 is to provide a structured process for the interaction with stakeholders throughout the program, in order to formulate relevant scenarios and cases and to synthesize the results. An important novelty of the work is that it combines a relevant network of stakeholders with a participatory integrated assessment methodology.
Objectives of WP1
- To draw on the inputs of industry and societal actors (TSOs, DSOs, governmental agencies, Swedish EPA, NGOs) in developing scenarios for deep electrification and decarbonization;
- To explore key trade-offs and synergies between cost-efficiency, non-technical feasibility, social acceptance, and distributional and economy-wide impacts of the energy transition.
- To inform industry and societal actors as to the key trade-offs and how their actions can shape the unfolding energy transition;
- To synthesize the results from the research by means of outreach activities, such as a program web page, policy briefs, workshops, and social media including short video interviews (for e.g., YouTube channels); and
- To arrange a yearly program conference, gathering academic and non-academic partners and invited selected external participants and fostering international networking (e.g., with visiting researchers).
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Read about WP2 – Electrification and sector integration